Friday, 16 March 2012

Welcome to pain free labour comrades

A big здравствуйте to all the Russian people who have started looking at my pain free labour blog. Я надеюсь, что погода там не также холодна. That was just a little secret message to our Russian friends.
It seems that the message is getting through regarding midwives calling contractions PAINS. More and more are recanting their ways and, at least while I am present, they are making a very concerted effort to not use the P word. It will take time. For our Russian friends, you need to call uterine activity сокращения and not боли.
The social construct that we have created and woven into our belief systems regarding painful labours is very strong, it will be difficult to erase. Midwives who are independent enough to fight against this acceptance of painful labours, and at least try to address the balance, will help women to achieve the best labour possible for them as an individual. Once we teach them how to behave in labour, and what elements are causing any discomfort, then we will be truly 'with woman'. Cos at the end of the day, that is what 'midwife' means.
See earlier posts in this blog for relaxation techniques and staying upright to achieve a pain free first stage of labour. Goodnight. Доброй ночи, я надеюсь, что Вы наслаждались этим постом.
And, for our Aussie friends - Sling another Wombat on the barbie will ya Shiela. Thankyou.