Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Letter from Danielle; thank you for the pain free labour.

Hello Ann,
My name is Danielle Law, and I gave birth to a 7lb baby boy, Jake, last Friday.
I just wanted to write and thank you for reccomending your book, which I bought a week before I gave birth from Amazon for my Kindle. (no longer available)
Jake is my second child, I have a daughter, Holly, who is 4 in July. Her birth was long, traumatic, painful and left me terrified of going through childbirth again. It ended with me being too exhausted to push, an episiotomy and forceps.
When I fell pregnant with Jake I was so worried of how I would cope again.
I bought your book and read it in a day, it was great to read advice from someone with so much experience, both personal and professional.
I started having contractions at 8am on 5/4/13. I was at home with my daughter all day, with the contractions gradually getting longer and closer together. I used the tecniques I had read in your book, stayed calm, breathing through each contraction. They were so managable that I got all my cleaning done, and kept my daughter entertained all day, and without my daughter knowing that anything was wrong. At 7pm my contractions were 5 mins apart, so called my parents to come and look after my daughter. I tucked my daughter into bed and phoned the labour ward.
On the phone to a midwife at the labour ward, I was told that I had two options:- To wait at home a little longer until I was sure the contractions were 5 mins apart, or to come in and they could monitor me and the baby..I'm pretty sure that the midwife didn't believe I was really in labour or as far as I was because I wasn't screaming down the phone when she was asking me questions. I told the midwife I would like to come in now please!!
I got off the phone and my waters popped, in front of my horrified dad! We got everything together and set off for the hospital. We arrived at 7.40pm. This is when my contractions finally got painful, and I made my way (loudly) to the labour ward, got through the door, told them I needed to push..helped quickly onto a bed and Jake made his very quick entrance into the world, born at 8.20pm.
The whole labour was amazing, so easy to cope, not scary and stressful like my first. We only stayed in hospital for 5 hours, then we were home with our beautiful baby.
I just wanted to say a huge thank you to you for your book, which I have reccomended to all my pregnant friends! Without reading your book there is no way I would have been able to remain so calm. I was very sceptical at first that it was possible but i truly had a pain free labour! It was so amazing to experience a nice labour, something I never thought was possible.

Thank you again, I hope more women manage to have an easy labour like me.

Danielle Law x