Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Active Birth Pools

The benefits of using water for labour and birth are well known…

Meadow Birth Centre Venus Birth Pool

Here are the facts…
  1. Relaxing in a deep pool of warm water can be a wonderful aid in labour. It’s worth having a pool mainly for this reason.
  2. Using a birth pool helps mothers to considerably reduces the need for medical pain relief.
  3. The buoyancy of the water supports the mothers body weight allowing her to relax more easily and deeply. They can cope better with contractions and also rest more comfortably in between them.
  4. It’s easier to use upright or squatting positions and move freely from one position to another, than it is on land.
  5. Being in a birth pool gives mothers an increased feeling of privacy and security. This enhances the secretion of hormones which stimulate uterine contractions and act as natural pain killers and relaxants.
  6. Studies show that labours tend to be shorter overall when a woman enters the pool at around 5cms. dilation.
  7. Fewer women need the help of obstetric interventions.
  8. I cannot get rid of this number 8 no matter how I try.
  9. Now there is a number 9 as well!!!
  10. Thank you Keith for your lovely information on pool births.
  11. Active Birth Pools keith@activebirthpools.com