How to feed your new baby is often an overwhelming choice that leaves women feeling lost and alone. Formula cow milk for babies was developed when premature babies started surviving their early birth and needed milk to keep them going until mum's milk came in on day three after the delivery. It was meant as a stopgap measure but along the way someone realised there was a heap of money to be made by pretending that formula cow milk was a viable substitute for human milk.
Human milk, produced by mothers for hundreds of thousands of years, has been perfected until it is the ideal food for your baby. Human milk is in fact responsible for elevating us above the other mammals that we share the earth with. It does this by feeding gut bacteria special sugars that in return produce compounds that further develop the human brain to amazing levels as well as strengthening the immune system.
Formula cow milk, when fed to gut bacteria did nothing. No compounds were produced and therefore the baby brains are not being developed to required human levels. It does not tell you this on the formula cow milk packaging does it?
In fact, research has shown that giving new babies formula cow milk causes ECZEMA, ASTHMA, DIABETES, OBESITY and ALLERGIES in susceptible children. This has been known for years and yet the formula milk people do not advertise any warnings to make new mothers aware that they are putting their children at risk by feeding them cow milk.
NUT allergies in children are reaching unacceptable levels and research shows the cause is not giving human babies human milk. A survival trait in any mammal is that any food eaten by lactating mothers is filtered through their milk to the baby to ensure they will not develop an allergy to that food. If a mother therefore eats a varied healthy diet (including nuts) whilst feeding her baby she can protect them from this life threatening allergy.
Warnings are put on the side of cigarette packets to warn users that they are at risk of getting certain diseases by using the product. Why then are formula cow milk manufacturers getting away with damaging our lovely new babies by pretending that their milk is a good thing to feet to your baby? Giving milk to human babies from another species of mammal is unnatural and dangerous.
Often women start with giving human milk to babies but do not get enough support to carry on within an NHS that is on its knees with lack of funds. However, there are local support groups available and charity organisations such as The Association of Breast Feeding Mothers (ABM), The Breastfeeding Network (BfN), La Leche League (LLL), The National Childbirth Trust (NCT) and the National Breastfeeding Helpline (0300 100 0212 available every day 09.30 to 21.30 hr.)
With the Climate Crisis finally being taken seriously we are going to need all the human fed clever people that we can get to ensure the human race does not become a victim of its own greed. In the future when all the research into human milk comes to the attention of the mass media women are going to get really mad that they have been conned into damaging their precious children by not being made aware of the risks by the formula cow people.
Perhaps instead of kicking the poor old NHS to death with claims for compensation we should be suing the formula people for damaging our children in a way that is simply not fixable. Once damaged they are damaged for good! Write to your MP and demand that formula cow milk have warnings on the packets so as to not mislead parents that this is a safe way to feed babies.
Only we can change the future. Only mothers can give the precious gift of human milk to their babies to develop them fully into the person they were always meant to be. Only women can make this choice but it has to be an informed one. Only we can save the planet by nurturing our babies as nature intended.
Are we human or are we cow fed?