Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Birthing pools

This weeks One Born Every Minute was a little better than last weeks in that it showed women who had regained a certain amount of control over their labour. The birthing pool labour was particularly nice as it showed how women should be in labour, relaxed and in control. This attitude helps keep everything normal and instrumental and operative births can be avoided. The women who coped the best kept themselves upright and did not do what most women automatically do when in labour - lie down on the bed. This is the worse thing that you can do as your uterus has to work against gravity and the contractions have to get stronger and so can cause the sensation of pain. It's nice when the guys cry when their baby is born. Awwwwww. If you want a pool birth then a birthing centre is your best bet. Your normal labour ward may have a pool but they are usually so busy that they will say it is unavailable even if it is not. Make sure the unit where you are booked have a good record for pool use and state your interest early in pregnancy, a tour of the unit gives you a chance to become familiar with the environment offered. Good luck.

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