At last,
I thought, evidence that labour does not have to be the trauma seen
every day by hospital midwives world wide. How disappointed I was.
I read it
with a sinking feeling. It was as a whole a very well thought out
study with randomisation at 28–32 weeks’ gestation to usual
care, or to usual care plus brief self-hypnosis training
(two × 90-minute groups at around 32 and 35 weeks’
gestation; daily audio self-hypnosis CD). Follow up at 2 and 6 weeks
I could
not find anywhere in the study where positions in labour were even
considered when every midwife worth her salt knows that keeping women
off the bed leads to less pain relief needed. The primary outcome was
if a woman had epidural analgesia or not with secondary outcomes of
how women measured their fear levels looking back on their labour.
Jowitt (2014) has written an entire book on how positions in labour
can influence the success rate of normal births. “Women were not
designed by evolution to labour and give birth propped up
semi-sitting or lying on their backs. The hospital bed can turn a
healthy active woman who is quite capable of trusting her body to
give birth by itself to a passive patient hooked up to machines which
immobilise her and increase her pain.” If the women in the
intervention group were not advised to keep mobile or upright on
comfy chairs or birth balls during their first stage of labour then
no wonder the same amount of them needed epidurals as in the usual
care group.
was no mention of how many of the women in either group went into
labour spontaneously or had to be induced. Does
relaxation/hypnobirthing make a difference in delaying labour if fear
is a factor? Also a massive 75% delivered in an obstetric unit where
the main object that you see when entering a room is the bed. I often
have to stand in front of the bed when a woman enters a delivery room
and guide her towards some of our comfy chairs much to her surprise.
She has watched One Born Every Minute and is convinced that labouring
women are ill and should be tucked up in bed like a patient with
doctors on hand to heal them.
piece of research was a lost opportunity to turn the tide against the
ever rising amount of women who see birth as a terrible ordeal to be
got through with as many drugs and interventions as possible. The
conclusions of the study were that the hypnobirthing teaching
sessions and CDs were no better at avoiding epidurals than usual ante
natal care. If the women in the intervention group had also been
given the advice not to lie down in labour, as many seem to want to,
then the outcome may have been very different.
Downe S
et al (2014) Self-hypnosis for intrapartum pain management (SHIP) in
pregnant nulliparous women: a randomised controlled trial of clinical
effectiveness. BJOG available on line at Wiley Online Library.
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