Sunday, 18 August 2019

Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Labour?

Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Labour? BOOK!

As discussed previously in this blog it is the fear of labour that can cause women to have painful contractions. Tokophobia is rife in the modern world with influences from friends, family and most damaging of all, the media.

In order to try and teach women how to approach labour so that they optimise their chances of it being pain free I have re-written my book with a new title. (labour being classified as the first stage of labour, while the contractions are opening the cervix to 10cm allowing the baby to descend into the birth canal) Includes new research that will help you deliver before your due date and thus avoid the dreaded induction of labour. Available NOW to download from Amazon.

All it takes is for us to believe. The truth.  xxx

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

How to best feed your new baby.

How to feed your new baby is often an overwhelming choice that leaves women feeling lost and alone. Formula cow milk for babies was developed when premature babies started surviving their early birth and needed milk to keep them going until mum's milk came in on day three after the delivery. It was meant as a stopgap measure but along the way someone realised there was a heap of money to be made by pretending that formula cow milk was a viable substitute for human milk.

Human milk, produced by mothers for hundreds of thousands of years, has been perfected until it is the ideal food for your baby. Human milk is in fact responsible for elevating us above the other mammals that we share the earth with. It does this by feeding gut bacteria special sugars that in return produce compounds that further develop the human brain to amazing levels as well as strengthening the immune system.

Formula cow milk, when fed to gut bacteria did nothing. No compounds were produced and therefore the baby brains are not being developed to required human levels. It does not tell you this on the formula cow milk packaging does it?

In fact, research has shown that giving new babies formula cow milk causes ECZEMA, ASTHMA, DIABETES, OBESITY and ALLERGIES in susceptible children. This has been known for years and yet the formula milk people do not advertise any warnings to make new mothers aware that they are putting their children at risk by feeding them cow milk.

NUT allergies in children are reaching unacceptable levels and research shows the cause is not giving human babies human milk. A survival trait in any mammal is that any food eaten by lactating mothers is filtered through their milk to the baby to ensure they will not develop an allergy to that food. If a mother therefore eats a varied healthy diet (including nuts) whilst feeding her baby she can protect them from this life threatening allergy.

Warnings are put on the side of cigarette packets to warn users that they are  at risk of getting certain diseases by using the product. Why then are formula cow milk manufacturers getting away with damaging our lovely new babies by pretending that their milk is a good thing to feet to your baby? Giving milk to human babies from another species of mammal is unnatural and dangerous.

Often women start with giving human milk to babies but do not get enough support to carry on within an NHS that is on its knees with lack of funds. However, there are local support groups available and charity organisations such as The Association of Breast Feeding Mothers (ABM), The Breastfeeding Network (BfN), La Leche League (LLL), The National Childbirth Trust (NCT) and the National Breastfeeding Helpline (0300 100 0212 available every day 09.30 to 21.30 hr.)

With the Climate Crisis finally being taken seriously we are going to need all the human fed clever people that we can get to ensure the human race does not become a victim of its own greed. In the future when all the research into human milk comes to the attention of the mass media women are going to get really mad that they have been conned into damaging their precious children by not being made aware of the risks by the formula cow people.

Perhaps instead of kicking the poor old NHS to death with claims for compensation we should be suing the formula people for damaging our children in a way that is simply not fixable. Once damaged they are damaged for good! Write to your MP and demand that formula cow milk have warnings on the packets so as to not mislead parents that this is a safe way to feed babies.

Only we can change the future. Only mothers can give the precious gift of human milk to their babies to develop them fully into the person they were always meant to be. Only women can make this choice but it has to be an informed one. Only we can save the planet by nurturing our babies as nature intended.

Are we human or are we cow fed?

Friday, 29 March 2019

Water births proved safer than land birth.

Research in Canada shows that water births are safer for mum and baby than land births.

Water Birth, Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes, Among Midwifery Clients in Alberta, Canada. 2014 - 2017.

A retrospective study by S. Jacoby RM and R.D. Wilson MD found a significant difference in the amount of perineal damage between water and dry births. Water births reduced the number of tears and also produced less severe tears such as third and fourth degree despite larger babies born to the water birth group. I have noticed this on the birth centre and put it down to the fact that warm water softens the perineum and helps it stretch for the birth.

There was also less bleeding after the birth as the placenta is detaching from the uterine wall. Plus a reduction in babies having a low APGAR score at birth (<7 at 5 minutes). Less babies were admitted to NICU after a water birth. All other criteria were too similar to determine a significant link.

So, book yourself in for a water birth. Practice one of the relaxation methods outlined in this blog. Get ready for an awesome birth. xx

Friday, 8 March 2019

Pain Free Labour for International Women's Day

Everything you really need to know about labour without really trying.
Happy International Women's' day.

Remember that pain is the body's way of warning us that something is wrong. No healthy tissue within the human body is designed to cause the sensation of pain when working under normal healthy conditions. Most labours are normal and healthy so there is no reason, other than fear, that they should become painful. Dr. Grantly Dick-Read (my hero) commented in his book, Childbirth Without Fear:
There is no physiological function in the body that gives rise to pain in the normal course of health.”
Any relaxation technique when practised regularly brings your body and mind into balance which increases energy and concentration levels. Energy levels are not being wasted, having to deal with unnecessary panic attacks throughout the day. When relaxed we have an increase in serotonin levels which make us feel well and happy, without the need to get drunk. When stress hormones are being released throughout the day they have a long term negative effect on us, we become tired and listless. Remember that in labour you can easily reach a state of utter exhaustion, if adrenalin is secreted for long periods of time. Sometimes it is not a case of being too posh to push, more a case of being much too drained.

Remember, it is vital to find a relaxation technique that appeals to your lifestyle and preferences. When you find the one that best suits you personally it can be used throughout the pregnancy so when labour begins you will not instantly go into panic mode. If you do then you can pull yourself back and start to take control by practising relaxing in a way that suits you best. Having calm people around you helps a lot. Make sure your birth partners are aware of your birth plans and are strong enough people to make it happen.
Remember to stay upright. It is very tempting to go and lie down on the nice comfy bed when you are feeling tired, but you must resist. The most dominant piece of equipment in a labour room is often the bed. When showing women into a labour room I always asked them to sit on one of the padded chairs. If I did not then they would make straight for the bed. Labour is not an illness. You don't have to lie down to labour or to give birth. In fact, lying down will make your labour painful and last a lot longer. Gravity is your friend during labour. Use her well.
Please try to stop smoking in pregnancy. I know it is hard cos I did it three times. After my third son was born I decided not to start again. When you become a mother, it is incredible just how strong a person you can be. Having a tiny baby reliant on you for everything is a life changing event. I stopped smoking because I wanted to tell my children that taking known harmful substances voluntarily into your body was not a good thing to do. Remember that there is help out there to give you the support you need to quit. Ask your GP or community midwife for advice.
Remember to ask your midwife for a blood test at around 28 weeks gestation to estimate your iron levels. A pain free labour is reliant on getting lots of oxygen to your contracting uterus. Having good iron rich blood will ensure that your uterus is not being deprived of oxygen in labour. The easiest way to take in extra iron in your diet is to eat extra fruit and vegetables in pregnancy. Anything dark has good iron in it like kiwi fruit and broccoli. These naturally also contain vitamin C, so the iron in them is automatically readily absorbed. Do not drink tea and coffee with meals as they will stop you absorbing any iron present there.
Drinking coffee in early pregnancy has been linked to an increase in spontaneous abortions. Why take the risk? Coffee is a stimulant as it contains caffeine and can become addictive. How many people do you know who simply cannot function in the morning till they have had a fix of caffeine? They are not very relaxed people. By not drinking coffee in your pregnancy you can become even better at the relaxation techniques. Remember what adrenalin, secreted after drinking caffeine drinks, does to your cervix in labour. It makes it very difficult to open. The contractions have to become stronger and stronger and eventually cause pain.
Remember not to slouch on the couch. Sitting with your back rounded for long periods of time in pregnancy will encourage your baby to adopt an OP position. Try and support your back with some cushions before spending down time on the couch. If baby does settle into an OP position then try some of the postures outlined in this book. Whilst walking try and keep your shoulders back and your head high. You will not only look good but the natural curve in your spine will discourage baby from snuggling into an OP position. In labour, contractions have to become stronger as the baby's head does not fit well in the pelvis when his back is toward your back.
Remember that most hospital staff firmly believe in painful labours and will call your contractions PAINS! You can ask them to stop. One young lady I booked for her second baby was telling me how she had got on with her first. I had previously taught her how to approach labour and she had been having pain free contractions at home. When the contractions were every 3 minutes and lasting 50 seconds she informed the hospital that she was on her way. On arrival the midwife noted her calm demeanour and apparent lack of pain and sent her home without examining her cervix or feeling her contractions. Once home she gave birth on the bathroom floor with her mum in attendance. Your midwife may not think that you are in labour if you are calm and pain free, ask for a vaginal examination before she decides to send you home.
I have lived with the knowledge that a pain free first stage of labour is achievable, for the majority of women, for more than three decades. I have tried spreading the word by telling friends and family, they were not very interested. I have become a midwife in order to teach women how to approach labour, they are too few. I have written articles for midwives magazines, they did not believe. If I had not experienced two pain free labours for myself, then maybe I would also find it difficult to believe. I am asking you to take a huge leap of faith; to try the coping strategies outlined in this book. I was so happy after my first pain free labour, I just wanted to sing and dance and spread the word. Please remember to TAKE BACK CONTROL. All it takes is to believe. The truth.
Please let me know if you use a relaxation technique (I used Progressive Muscle Relaxation for my pain free labours and there is a post in this blog to explain how to use this method) to have a more comfortable labour. We need to spread the word so that we can take back control from the medics with regards to labour. Thank you. Good luck. xxx