Friday, 29 March 2019

Water births proved safer than land birth.

Research in Canada shows that water births are safer for mum and baby than land births.

Water Birth, Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes, Among Midwifery Clients in Alberta, Canada. 2014 - 2017.

A retrospective study by S. Jacoby RM and R.D. Wilson MD found a significant difference in the amount of perineal damage between water and dry births. Water births reduced the number of tears and also produced less severe tears such as third and fourth degree despite larger babies born to the water birth group. I have noticed this on the birth centre and put it down to the fact that warm water softens the perineum and helps it stretch for the birth.

There was also less bleeding after the birth as the placenta is detaching from the uterine wall. Plus a reduction in babies having a low APGAR score at birth (<7 at 5 minutes). Less babies were admitted to NICU after a water birth. All other criteria were too similar to determine a significant link.

So, book yourself in for a water birth. Practice one of the relaxation methods outlined in this blog. Get ready for an awesome birth. xx


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